Board of Education
About the Board
Valley Stream Union Free School District 30 is governed by a Board of Education comprised of five community members. Individuals who sit on the Board of Education are responsible for setting the policy under which the schools operate. Each Board member must be a member of the community. Board members are elected to serve for five-year terms of office.
The Board of Education usually meets twice monthly. Each of these meetings is open to the public. The first of these meetings is a regularly scheduled work session meeting; the second meeting is the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.
The work session meeting is usually held on the next to the last Monday of the month, while the regular Board meeting is usually held on the last Monday of the month at 8:00 p.m. at Shaw Avenue School.
Scheduled Meetings of the Board of Education | 2024-2025 | 2025-2026.
Additional information concerning meeting dates and times can be obtained by contacting:
Ashley Starna, Clerk of the Board
516-434-3600, x5227
Notice to Community - Budget Vote 2025
Trustees of the Board
** Also serves on the Valley Stream Central High School Board of Education