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Dr. Garcia-France
Superintendent of Schools

  As the new school year approaches, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication and tireless efforts to our district & school leaders, teachers, staff, students, families, and community members! As a team, we have spent the summer crafting a welcoming and affirming environment that embraces inclusivity and fosters a sense of support and community for all. Our district's vision of educating, inspiring, and celebrating our students to reach their full potential in becoming Global Leaders of Tomorrow has been at the forefront of our work. I hope you have had the chance to rejuvenate and reconnect with family and friends while caring for yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically.

This year's Arts in Education theme is "Rhythm is All Around Us," a powerful reminder that rhythm pulsates through every moment of our existence. It echoes in the steady thump of our hearts and lingers in the symphony of sounds found all around us. Let us each discover our rhythm as we strive to fulfill the district's mission of igniting the passion within our students to become active, culturally responsive, resilient, respectful, lifelong learners who show ownership for their academic, social, and emotional well-being.

As the new school year begins, I invite you to join me in reflecting on the core beliefs that our Board of Education and the families we serve crafted during the tumultuous year of 2020 amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic. Let us take a moment to truly listen to the beating of their hearts as they shared their hopes and desires for their children during such uncertain times.


A child's mind has the power to expand and thrive, evolving into a curious being hungry to learn and strive. 

Our responsibility is to nurture each child's boundless intellect and to detect the beauty of independent thought - a trait we must respect. 


As educators, we must ensure each child learns in their way. Through differentiation, we'll meet their needs and guide them each day. 

We must equip them with skills and knowledge for the ever-changing world on display. We must have lesson plans that create successful pathways. We must provide instruction that allows students to collaborate, communicate, create, and think critically while giving them time to laugh and play.


In this tight-knit community, families are unshakable and mighty. 

They welcome all from around the world and demand respect, integrity, and honesty. 

Harmoniously working, they foster a community of inclusivity. 

Joy and passion resound as families, children, and communities strive for a quality of life with intensity!

I look forward to working towards igniting passion in our students and helping them become confident, courageous individuals who can navigate multiple pathways toward success. Thank you for being an integral part of our district's vision and mission. Let's make it a great year!

No way, you can fight it everyday

But no matter what you say

You know it

The rhythm is gonna get you

Rhythm is gonna get you!

Rhythm is gonna get you!

Rhythm is gonna get you!

Songwriters: Gloria M. Estefan / Enrique Elias Garcia

Educationally yours,

Dr. Roxanne Garcia- France
Superintendent of Schools
Educating, Inspiring, and Celebrating Global Leaders of Tomorrow