Grade 5 Science
Chapter 4- Plants and Their Adaptations
Root Factory- Student Activity
Root out the differences between plants! Students identify different types of roots.
The Great Plant Escape
This award winning site covers germination, non-flowering plants and seeds. The site contains a glossary, activities, and links to other related sites. Students role play as detectives as they work through each case they are presented.
Systems & Interactions in Nature
Cycles in Nature
Dumptown Game
You are Dumptown's new City Manager! When you start to play, you'll see Dumptown at its worst - it's littered, polluted, and nothing is being recycled or reused. Can you initiate programs to Dumptown's citizens to recycle and reduce waste?
Causes of Extinction
Students learn the causes of extinction for many species.
Chapter 3- Biomes
Land Biomes
This page will increase students general knowledge of biomes.
Exploring Estuaries
What is an estuary? What challenges do our estuaries face? Students can take a virtual tour and try games and activities that test what they have learned. This web site has a complete glossary too.
Hilton Pond Center
The Hilton Pond research project is an example of natural pond succession that students can examine.
Environmental Awareness
Students can access information on global warming, acid rain, energy, natural resources and water at this grade appropriate site. The site is available in Spanish too.
Processes That Change the Earth
This page designed for kids by the U.S. Department of Interior is very informative and includes maps of recent earthquakes in the USA, Science Fair Project Ideas, puzzles and games, as well as online activities.
Types of Land
Students get definitions, pictures, and information for more than 20 different landforms and features.
Landform Atlas
This page helps students identify landforms in different states.
Weather Wiz
This page explains which weather instrument measures what and how it works. This site is has information on all aspects of weather including hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms, and much more.
Weather Watch
This interactive site from Scholastic allows students to 'test drive' the tools meteorologists use everyday. Students can click on each tool to learn about it. There are also instructions on building it and using it in an experiment.
Climate Change
This page explains what climate is, the causes of climate change, and possible solutions.
Chapter 4- Exploring the Oceans
Why is the Ocean Salty?
Students learn about the salinity of oceans and seas.
Ocean Topics
This page includes information on several ocean topics. Students can use the frequently asked questions link to learn about ocean characteristics.
The Solar System and Beyond
Comparison Chart: Earth vs. Earth's Moon
This Solar System Exploration site from NASA contains comparison charts for all the planets, profiles of each planet, and links to other sites.
Solar System
Must use Internet Explorer web browser to hear audio links.
This excellent site from NASA covers the solar system as well as the sun, moon, meteoroids, planets, asteroid belt and comets. The site uses audio as well print to introduce the topics. There is a glossary and grade appropriate activities included.
The general characteristics of the sun are explained on this page. There are links to pages explaining the production of solar energy, the study of the sun, and the importance of the sun on terrestrial life.
Milky Way and Other Galaxies
This page answers many frequently asked questions about the Milky Way and other galaxies.
Galaxies Galore and More
These web pages contain several online explorations and fun activities for students to complete. They can build our Milky Way, Explore Galaxies, and play Galaxy Games.
Building Blocks of Matter
Students discover why the "plasticity" of metal and its ability to be
molded is an important discovery.
Chapter 2- Atoms and Elements
This site covers reactions, atoms and elements.
Energy and Motion
Some Types of Force
Gravity, Friction, Balanced and Unbalanced Forces and more are explained with graphic reinforcement.
Net Force
This page begins with the definition of Net Force and has three examples of how force is measured.
Chapter 2- Motion
Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion
(You will need to download the VRML plugin to view the 3D effect on this site.) The laws of motion are examined on this site.