Additional Science Sites
Great Plant Escape- Roots and Stems
Standard 4-Living Environment
This web page covers parts of a plant- Roots and stems.
Great Plant Escape- Functions of Leaf and Photosynthesis
Standard 4-Living Environment This web page covers parts of a plant- functions of the leaf and photosynthesis.
Great Plant Escape- Function of a Flower
Standard 4-Living Environment
This web page covers parts of a plant- function of a flower.
Great Plant Escape- Function of Fruit
Standard 4-Living Environment
This web page covers parts of a plant-function of fruit.
NASA Solar System
This page from NASA has information on all the planets and a Solar System Simulator that allows students to view the planets from different spacecrafts or from other planets.
The Universe
This very complete site tells the story of the history, nature and design of the universe. Facts have been simplified to make them easy to understand.
Road Salt
Effects Of Road Deicing On Environment
Tackle the complex problem of maintaining safe roads for winter travelers and reducing the harmful effects of deicing on the surrounding soils and lakes.