Digital Media Mobile Labs
Valley Stream 30 prioritizes encouraging students to think independently and creatively, as well as to work interdependently with others, to contribute locally and globally to 21st Century society. We value the various learning modalities that make up our student population and are consistently adapting our practices to be responsive to their needs.
Our schools at Valley Stream 30 have all been equipped with state of the art Digital Media Mobile Labs, which provide teachers and students the opportunity to engage in supplemental media projects from within the confines of their own classroom. Each mobile lab is equipped with Apple iPads, Apple Macbooks, USB Microphones, Green Screens, Digital Cameras, and software that supports and promotes creativity! The Digital Media Mobile Lab enables teachers and students to leverage technology to enhance critical 21st Century Learning skills: Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Collaboration, and Communication!

Supplemental media projects allow children to demonstrate knowledge of content in a unique, challenging, fun, and creative way. Media Labs provide access to software that promotes creativity, such as Garage Band, Minecraft, iMovie, DoInk, and much more!