Curriculum Corner
Next Generation Learning Standards
2022-23 will be the first school year that the Next Generation Learning Standards will be fully implemented. These standards have taken into account feedback on the Common Core Learning standards from parents and educators across New York state. The updated standards include modifications to the language, vocabulary used and order of the standards.
For more information on the Next Generation Learning Standards, upcoming changes to the 3-8 testing program and additional parent resources, visit:
Curriculum Guides
Coming Soon!
Educational Activities for Parents and Students
following links provide materials, websites, and guides aimed at helping
students practice key skills of the Common Core Standards:
Granny Prix
Granny Prix is a fun activity that helps students work on fluency.
Diaper Derby
Diaper Derby is a fun activity that helps students work on fluency.
Math Apps for the Ipad
iPad apps for teaching math.
Dare to Compare
Dare to Compare, a part of the Kids’ Zone website, contains questions from the
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS),
the Civic
Education Study (CivEd) and National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP).
New York Online Virtual ElectronicLibrary (NOVEL)
NOVELNY is an online library of hundreds of magazines, newspapers, maps,
charts, research and reference books that are available to every
New Yorker,
free of charge.
Khan Academy
Free website that provide
library video content that teach students math and science concepts.
Everything You Need to Know about State Assessment
following links provide materials, websites, and guides aimed at helping
parents to understand Project Based Learning (PBL):
What is PBL?
Why PBL?
How to Help
My Child with PBL Projects?
following links provide materials, websites, and guides aimed at helping
parents to understand 21
st Century Learning Framework:
the 21st Century Framework
Hands on Science
following links provide materials, websites, and guides aimed at helping
parents to engage their children in science activities at home:
Science is Everywhere
Tips for Busy Parents