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Valley Stream 30 Reopening Plan Updates for 2021-22 School Year

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The highlights of suggested updates below are based on updated guidance from NYS Department of Health and feedback from our district’s reopening task force. This information is as of June 7th, 2021 and will continue to be updated.

  • Social Distancing: amongst adults and students must remain at 6 feet.  Student desks can be distanced 3 feet apart. The DOH has not recommended the use of barriers, Valley Stream 30 is planning on utilizing desk barriers along with the minimum of 3 feet between student desks.
  • Signage: Updated signage will be added to indicate the update in social distancing amongst students.
  • Face Masks: Face masks will continue to be worn by all staff and students on school property. Awaiting further guidance from the State and CDC.
  • Food Services: Meals must be eaten with 6 feet between students.  Students will remain in classrooms for breakfast, snack and lunch.
  • Instructional Models: Valley Stream 30 is transitioning back to a 5 day in-person instructional model.  Should NYS provide further guidance on providing remote instruction and enrollment numbers support the opening of remote sections, this may be an option for the 2021-22 school year.

In order for us to continue our planning of class sections for the 2021-22 school we ask that you complete the survey in the link below by 12:00pm on June 14th.
