Valley Stream 30 Celebrates 100th Graduating Class of 2024 with Inspiring Ceremonies

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Congratulations Clear Stream Graduates!
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Congratulations Shaw Avenue Graduates!
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Congratulations Forest Road Graduates!
The Valley Stream District 30’s Class of 2024, comprised of students from Clear Stream Avenue, Forest Road, and Shaw Avenue schools, celebrated their graduation from June 18-24 during beautiful ceremonies. This year marked the 100th graduating class of Clear Stream Avenue, culminating the 100th anniversary of the district. Sixth graders confidently crossed the stage to receive their diplomas, ready to take their next steps toward becoming Global Leaders of Tomorrow.

Graduates impressed audiences with various musical performances, including “Discovery” by Clear Stream students, “Count on Me” by Shaw Avenue students and “Best Day of My Life” by Forest Road students.

During Clear Stream’s ceremony, Principal John Singleton told attendees that on that very night 100 years ago, the district was voted into existence. “A hundred years ago, the energy that was in that boardroom is in this room again tonight!” he said. “It’s so important that you take the energy that you have in you and discover what purpose that energy has.” Graduates Siraat Fatima and Lauren Mateo addressed their peers. “Always remember, you don’t need to be an A+ student. All you need to do is show up to school, be consistent and be true to yourself,” Mateo said. “Whatever your GPS means for you, use it for guidance and make positive decisions as you navigate life’s challenges,” Fatima added.

Shaw Avenue sixth grader Zulaisa Haq greeted guests and addressed her peers. “As we move on to bigger and better chapters, let’s always keep our memories of Shaw Avenue School alive,” she said. “Remember, you can take the kid out of Shaw, but you can’t take the Shaw out of the kid.” Principal Erin Malone thanked everyone in attendance and all who made the night possible before addressing the graduates. “You are incredible human beings who can make great things happen for yourself and for others just by choosing to be your best self.”

Forest Road Principal Marisela Sanchez said to her graduating class, “Continue to work hard and chase your dreams. Don’t just aspire to make a life, aspire to make a difference,” she said. Before instructing her fellow graduates to move their tassels, Aminata Ba offered inspiring words. “May we always be the neon amongst the crowd of gray, be unique, be different, be yourself!

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Roxanne Garcia-France spoke to each graduating class about their new journeys ahead. “Don’t be afraid to reach out and form genuine connections with your peers as you navigate this new social landscape,” Dr. Garcia-France said. “Practice active listening, empathy toward others, and handling conflicts peacefully. With the unwavering support of your school, friends and community, you are destined to become Global Leaders of Tomorrow.”

Board of Education trustees also offered congratulatory comments and then along with Dr. Garcia-France issued smiling graduates their diplomas before they recessed out of the auditorium toward their bright future.

*Please check the district facebook page for more photos.

Date Added: 6/28/2024