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Celebration of Hispanic Heritage

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In recognition of Hispanic Heritage month, Clear Stream Avenue held its annual celebration that included a highlight of famous Latin Americans, songs and dances. The Hispanic Heritage Celebration was organized by the CSA PTA. The school painted a mural highlighting famous Latin Americans, under the direction of art teacher Leslie Freiberg. Mrs. Neri's third-grade class created a video to celebrate the lives of Pele, Lourdes Lopez, Antonia Novelo, Franklin Chang Diaz and Julia Alvarez. The kindergarteners sang songs in Spanish and in English about the days of the week. They also sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in Spanish with their third-grade peers. The crowd was treated to a merenge lesson by a dancing trio called Latin Fire. The PTA volunteers brought in food from around the Latin diaspora and Assembly Woman Michaelle Solange was in attendance to partake in the festivities. Thanks to our teachers, students and volunteers, our Hispanic Heritage month was a “Una Fiesta de Familia.”