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Ready, Set, Play

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Clear Stream Avenue Elementary School students in grades K-2 proudly wore their school T-shirts while engaging in Play Day, a younger version of field day on June 12. Family members were invited to the outdoor event to watch as their children participated in various team building activities with their classes. 

Coordinated by physical education teacher Jonathan Greiss with the support of faculty, family members, the Clear Stream Avenue PTA and fifth- and sixth-grade volunteers, Play Day was kicked off in Olympic-style fashion with a passing the “torch” ceremony. Using an Earth beach ball, students passed the ball to their each of their peers and then placed it on a pedestal to start the games. The classes engaged in teamwork activities that incorporated water to beat the heat and different relay races.  

“We wanted students to practice coordination and teamwork,” said Greiss. “Everyone feels like they’re a winner at the end.”