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School Community Lifts Each Other Up

Padlet Virtual Positivity Wall Photo thumbnail168985
Amid school closures due to COVID-19, students and staff from Shaw Avenue Elementary School continue to spread positivity among their school community. The school started a Positivity Wall in one of its hallways this year to encourage social-emotional learning. Students in grades 3-6 wrote uplifting messages on Post-its, posted it to the wall and could take any messages that inspired or motivated them. During this trying time in the world, everyone could use an extra boost of positivity, so Shaw Avenue transformed its Positivity Wall into a virtual one for students and staff at home. 

The “wall” was created on Padlet, a website that allows the creation of boards and encourages collaboration. Shaw Avenue students in grades 3-6 have access to the virtual wall where they can post positive images, encouraging messages and more. Shaw Avenue faculty members serving grades 3-6 can also contribute to the wall. 

The student and staff response to the new wall was immediate. Together, they have already shared close to 100 positive messages.

“This student-led project of giving and receiving inspirational messages to overcome times of adversity has become a beacon of hope for many,” said Shaw Avenue Assistant Principal Andrew Canlé. “Recreating the wall virtually amid the COVID-19 pandemic and garnering such a hefty amount of participation, immediately proves that our Positivity Wall has transcended being a physical location, and has become a living and breathing mindset amongst our student body that helps them persevere in the face of challenging times.”